All Pages Have Home Page Content – WordPress Caching Issue

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While migrating a new client website over to our premium WordPress hosting this week, I ran into a problem that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before: every page that you would navigate to had the same content as the home page. What’s weird is that the URLs seemed to be correct, but the content was not. In our case, … Read More

“Record Could Not be Added” DNS Error in GoDaddy – Solution

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The other day, while working with the DNS records of a client who uses GoDaddy’s nameservers, I got the cryptic message: “record could not be added” when trying to save a new record or change an existing record. Besides being a prime example of how not to write error messages, it truly just didn’t give me any indication of why I couldn’t change the … Read More Feature

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We are excited to announce that we were featured on the popular hosting information website, We got to do an interview and they wrote up a whole piece about our history and business. If you haven’t heard of them before, is a highly-trafficked website that does reviews of website hosts, provides tutorials and guides on various aspects of … Read More

How Website Speed Can Impact Your Business

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Did you know that 47% of website users expect web pages to load in less than 2 seconds? Generally speaking, anywhere from two to four seconds is considered an ideal page load time for a business website—any slower than that, and you start losing traffic (and therefore customers). For this and many other reasons, website speed can have a big … Read More

What’s the Difference Between Managed and Unmanaged Hosting?

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If you run a business, finding solid hosting for your website is crucial. Your site isn’t just an online brochure for your company—it’s one of the main ways potential clients are able to find and engage with you. That means it’s vital to ensure your website runs optimally with little to no downtime. Good hosting supports your website in the … Read More

Thelen Cabinet Co. – New Website Design

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new website design we developed for our client, Thelen Cabinet Co. This was a website I was particularly excited about working on because the nature of the work they do is so visual. We knew right away that we wanted wanted to display great big photos of the beautiful cabinetry they build and … Read More

New Website Design for Appro Development in Lakeville, Minnesota

We are thrilled to announce that we have just launched the new website for Appro Development and Cerron Properties in Lakeville, Minnesota. This is a project we’ve been talking about doing with these clients for some time and finally got to start working on earlier this year.This website features a responsive design that works great in any browser. Almost every … Read More

Best & Easiest ROI During the Pandemic?

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So you’re stuck at home wondering how you can increase sales and grow your small business. Your options are limited and there are only so many things you can do with your limited budget. That begs the question: what investment would give you the best and easiest ROI right from your home? I believe the answer is, without a doubt: … Read More

Redirect One File Extension to Another with .htaccess

Redirect File Extension To Another Htaccess

For something seemingly so simple, it’s amazingly hard to find a good solution that redirects all files with a given extension on your site to another. I spent a long time Googling and testing and still kept running into issues. But my wasted time is your gain! Because I’ve figured it out. As it turns out, there is more way … Read More

Which Registrars Offer Free Domain Forwarding? A Roundup

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Domain forwarding is a human right! …Okay, maybe that’s a bit strong. But in my opinion, such a trivial service should be included in the price of domain registration. You would think that all registrars would allow you to redirect your domains elsewhere to encourage you to purchase domains you don’t need. But sadly, some of the older, more antiquated … Read More