“Record Could Not be Added” DNS Error in GoDaddy – Solution

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The other day, while working with the DNS records of a client who uses GoDaddy’s nameservers, I got the cryptic message: “record could not be added” when trying to save a new record or change an existing record. Besides being a prime example of how not to write error messages, it truly just didn’t give me any indication of why I couldn’t change the … Read More

What’s the Difference Between Managed and Unmanaged Hosting?

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If you run a business, finding solid hosting for your website is crucial. Your site isn’t just an online brochure for your company—it’s one of the main ways potential clients are able to find and engage with you. That means it’s vital to ensure your website runs optimally with little to no downtime. Good hosting supports your website in the … Read More

The REAL Cost of Your Cheap Website Hosting

A pile of money burning in front of cheap website hosting servers

It seemed like a no-brainer. For less than $100/year, your pals over at Godaddy, Bluehost, or HostGator would host your website for you. You heard about some of the better hosts but once you saw that they cost more, you ruled them out. It’s just hosting, right? Wrong! While it might seem like you’re saving money at first, I can … Read More