New Website for Minneapolis Non-Profit Completed

I am pleased to announce the launch of a new website for our friends Twin City Voice Academy. The group is a non-profit that seeks to prepare gifted young singers for professional performance. They only take on a handful of students but the ones they have are incredible! The website itself is fairly basic. Working with a very limited budget, … Read More

WordPress Website for Lakeville Errand Service

Brian Johnson Design is happy to announce that we have gone live with a new WordPress site for Ponytail Xpress, a Lakeville-based errand service and personal shopping service. In addition, I noticed today that even though we just launched the site and we only did minor search engine optimizations, it is currently ranking fairly high on the first page for … Read More

New WordPress Website for Twin Cities Marketing Agency

We recently launched a new website for the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro-based marketing agency, Magnetik Marketing Solutions. The site is actually template-based, with numerous customizations done to it. There is a large, front-page slider that gets some of the marketing message of the business out to visitors while adding a little motion and excitement to the design. To add some content … Read More