Vimeo Error: “Blocked a Frame with Origin” – Solution

Currently, many users of the embedded iframe video player from Vimeo are getting an error that looks something like this:

The Vimeo Error Message

This may or may not be causing any problems in actual functionality, but it is annoying and should be fixed regardless.

Solution to Vimeo Error

The Vimeo team is currently in development of the solution to this problem which is really just a bug. They say it will be available soon, but sadly, none is available yet. I will post an update here as soon as the solution is available. If you would like to check for yourself, you can visit the thread on this error at Vimeo’s support forums, where they may have announced a fix.

About Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson is a website developer and designer living in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a passion for code and WordPress. He spends his days building WordPress websites for small businesses, developing new code with the online community, and living life.

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