Best & Easiest ROI During the Pandemic?

Featured image for the post - growing plant in a lightbulb surrounded by dead plants

So you’re stuck at home wondering how you can increase sales and grow your small business. Your options are limited and there are only so many things you can do with your limited budget. That begs the question: what investment would give you the best and easiest ROI right from your home? I believe the answer is, without a doubt: … Read More

The Importance of CLARITY in Your Website Copy

Clarity is at the heart of every good message, whether you are providing instructions to an employee or communicating your brand via your website. You can’t be vague and general on your website and expect to get any kind of point across. I subscribe to an awesome email newsletter from Philip Morgan, who specializes in helping technical firms, well… Specialize! … Read More

“Too much content” isn’t the problem. Complexity is.

This picture represents the complexity you wish to avoid in a website.

A great website has lots of (great) content.You’ve probably heard at one time or another that having lots of text on your website is a bad thing. That visitors will see it and immediately begin hyperventilating and exit their browser in a panic.I’m here to tell you that it’s not that simple. It’s not content that’s bad, it’s complexity.When a … Read More

Going Through the Phases of a New Business

I am happy to report that things here at Brian Johnson Design are going well. I have a full workload of new websites and jobs to work on. Now my job is to figure out how to manage my time and get all of this done, so that I can go out and get even more new business As recently … Read More